Title page preview of Life After Widespread Adoption of Natural Gas Vehicles

How Standards, Codes, and Personnel Training Support Safe Infrastructure, Fuel Storage, and Monitoring

With the global energy sector establishing clear measures to achieve 2050 decarbonization goals, it is well understood and accepted that the transportation sector is an essential contributor to CO2 emissions, making it also an essential contributor to achieving the 2 degree Celsius climate scenario. It is clear that mass adoption and deployment of NGVs is a potential solution, but without stepping back and considering all components of NGV deployment – in essence the entire lifespan of NGV use – the probability of success is slim.

In this whitepaper we discuss:

  • North American NGV Codes and Standards Landscape
  • Global Presence of NGV Research & Development Initiatives
  • The Birth of Standards & Training to Help Guide Fuel System Requirements, Inspection, and Monitoring
  • End-of-Life and the 3Ds – Defueling, Decommissioning, and Disposal of CNG and LNG Tanks and Containers