
CSA Group – Brazil – INMETRO

A certificate of compliance to the INMETRO regulations is required in order to export products to Brazil, and equipment needs to comply with the requirements of INMETRO Ordinance No. 179 (May 2010).

The Ordinance references IEC 60079 series of standards (with some national deviances) meaning that in the majority of cases, IECEx data can be used to support the approval without the need for re-testing, assuming IECEx data is to latest 60079 standards.

In the majority of cases, in-country representation is required in the form of an applicant, whose details appear on the certificate in addition to the OEMs. The applicant bears responsibility for the product whilst in country.

A change to the INMETRO regulations in 2014 resulted in a site audit being necessary (previous QAR reports could be used to negate the need for an audit). CSA Group has qualified auditors who can provide this audit on the INMETRO-body’s behalf, allowing us to deliver end-to-end project facilitation.

Supporting you with INMETRO approvals

We work with Brazilian certification body NCC and can facilitate the process to obtain this approval.

We’ll provide:

  • Submittal of IECEx technical package
  • Assistance with the documentation package for the in-country applicant
  • Advice on preparing manuals, QA and QMS documentation
  • Co-ordination of site audit by the CSA Group auditing team
  • Regular project calls with you and our partners

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