
CSA Group is your expert source for testing & certification of equipment used in hazardous locations across North America.

We will help you obtain the CSA North American certification mark which is widely recognised by regulatory authorities in the U.S. and Canada at the federal, state, provincial and local levels. You will be working with technical experts who will leverage their experience derived from a solid understanding of the required standards.

Recognition and accreditation

CSA Group’s U.S. and Canadian accreditations provides you with a single source for access to the North American market. In the U.S., we are recognised by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) as a Nationally Recognised Testing Laboratory (NRTL) to test & certify equipment used in hazardous locations to applicable U.S. standards for both division and zone systems recognised by the National Electrical Code (NEC). We are also a recognised testing laboratory by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG).

We are accredited by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC) to test & certify equipment used in hazardous locations to applicable Canadian standards for both division and zone systems recognized by the Canadian Electrical Code (CEC).

Explore more

Learn more about the CSA North American approval

How Do I Get My Product Approved for North America? right-arrow

When exporting equipment to Europe, a manufacturer can make a self-declaration...

Definitions for Hazardous Locations right-arrow

In North America, hazardous locations have traditionally been defined by...

The CSA North American Mark right-arrow

When selling your products into North America, you can use a CSA mark...