
The 5 Stage Approach to MCERTS Certification

CSA Group has developed a 5 stage approach for manufacturers who wish put their products through MCERTS assessment, including recertification.

Stage 1

Via phone, email or website enquiry. CSA Group is also happy to offer an initial meeting to explain the process and answer any questions.

The Certification Process

Estimated quotation is sent within 10 days of receiving application.

The application pack includes:

  • Application form
  • Guidance notes
  • MCERTS standard
  • Details of laboratories that perform testing

Stage 2

The certification work that is contracted includes:

  • Establishing a certification committee
  • Agreeing the scope of certification
  • Finalising a test plan
  • On-going project monitoring and liaising between manufacturer and certification committee
  • Reviewing the evidence submitted
  • Production of report and certificate
  • Issue of certificate and posting on CSA Group website
The Certification Process
Certification Committee meeting

Existing evidence is reviewed at this meeting and a test programme is generated in agreement with the Certification Committee. The manufacturer decides where the testing is conducted, but CSA Group should be kept informed to ensure they are acceptable.

Minutes will be taken by CSA Group and circulated within 10 days with a formal quotation.

The Certification Committee consists of a Director of CSA Group, an independent expert and generally a representative from the Environment Agency. The Committee members must be acceptable to both CSA Group and the manufacturer, and must not have worked for the manufacturer for at least 2 years.

Stage 3

Client engages test house to conduct relevant testing and issue of test reports in line with the agreed test programme.

The Certification Process

Testing duration depends on availability of test house.

This is to ensure the manufacturer can consistently produce products to the same standard and the correct controls are in place.

Stage 4

The Certification Process
Assessment of test data

Assessment time will be set out in the quotation and will vary depending on the complexity of the certification.

If the Certification Committee considers the test data satisfactory, certification can take place.

Stage 5

The Certification Process