
Ex Product Certification For Manufacturers Course

Manual Provided
Manual Provided
Available On-site

Duration: 1 day

Price: £490.00 + VAT [Early Bird Offer – 10% off]*

Location: CSA Group Office (Hawarden)

1st July 2021- ONLINE

21st September 2021 – ONLINE


Online Training

In light of the current situation, we have adapted this course to be delivered remotely. If you would like to discuss remote delivery of a private course for your organisation please enquire for a quotation.

Enquire about remote training

Recommended Attendees: This course is aimed at Ex equipment manufacturers looking to learn about the hazardous area product certification process.

Course Description: This course looks at the main principles of the ATEX 2014/34/EU directive and the IECEx product certification scheme, including the requirements and responsibilities of those involved, and focusing on methods of protection Ex d, Ex e, Ex ia, Ex n and Ex p.

*Get 10% off this course if you book 90 days in advance. Use code ‘EARLYBIRD’ on booking to receive discount. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Subjects included in this course are:

  • Introduction & Course objectives
  • Properties of flammable materials
  • Area Classification (overview)
  • Grouping & Temperature Classification
  • Categories, EPL’s & Marking
  • Protection Equipment Types (Electrical, Non-Electrical & Dusts)
  • Certification Processes
    – Overview (IECEx/ATEX/North America/Others)
    – ATEX Certification
    – IECEx Scheme
    – Certification Process (relationship between manufacturer
    & certification body)
    – Quality (IECEx / ATEX and North America)
    – Self Declaration
  • Legislation Overview

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