
Hazardous Area Classification Training

Hazardous Area Classification  Manual Training
Manual Provided
Available On-site

Duration: 2 days

Price: £850.00 + VAT [Early Bird Offer – 10% off]*

Location: CSA Group Office (Hawarden)

Recommended Attendees: Individuals who are leading or participating in hazardous area classification studies using recognised IEC standards and supporting industry guidance and codes of practice. Such individuals already have knowledge of ATEX/DSEAR requirements and are looking gain more in depth knowledge of hazardous area classification approaches and principles.

Course Description: This 2-day training course covers hazardous area classification topics required to classify areas where flammable atmospheres may exist. Delegates will gain an understanding of the fundamental principles of hazardous area classification and practical experience of compiling hazardous area classifications based on IEC 60079-10-1 and supporting industry guidance/ codes of practice (including EI 15 & IGEM/SR/25).

Available Dates:

18th – 19th May 2021 – Online

5th – 6th October 2021 – Online


Subjects included in this course are:

  • Introduction to hazardous area classification
  • The technique of area classification
  • Direct example approach to area classification
  • Point source approach to area classification
  • Ventilation and dispersion
  • Risk-based approach
  • Use of industrial codes and National Standards

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