
CSA Group Celebrates World Accreditation Day and Aims at Accelerated Growth in Asia Market

CSA Group, a global leader in testing and certification services and an internationally recognized standards development organization, today celebrated the eighth World Accreditation Day and reinforced its commitment to a better, safer and more sustainable world. The theme of this year’s World Accreditation Day is ‘Accreditation: Supporting the Delivery of Health and Social Care’.

“CSA Group has a long history developing standards and is a leader in medical safety and technology,” said Magali Depras, Chief Operating Officer at CSA Group. “We continue to add new capabilities to address emerging areas and accommodate the changes in patient care. Delivery of health and social care is changing around the world from the way hospitals are designed to the increase in home healthcare options and CSA Group is meeting those needs.”

As an industry pioneer with nearly a century of experience in standards development and testing and certification, CSA Group believes that helping to make the world safer is one of the ways our services contribute to a better world. Since its establishment CSA Group has a portfolio of over 3,000 different standards, codes and related products in 54 technologies. CSA Group is among the top 10 testing and certification organizations in the world with offices and laboratories in 15 countries worldwide.

Through its certification services and standards development CSA Group actively encourages new innovative thinking and promotes the adoption of new technologies. CSA Group is committed to growing to meet the needs of its clients globally, and continuing to offer superior local services.

CSA Group is committed to expanding its presence in Asia and has already established offices and laboratories in key Asian cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Kunshan, Taipei and Seoul. In July 2014, CSA Group opened its first lab in Bangalore, India and added new office in Taichung City, Taiwan, in May 2015.

“Economic developments, growth in international trade, awareness among end-users, and regulations and mandated by governments are driving market in Asia,” said Magali Depras. “CSA Group will continue to invest to help our clients in Asia meet their obligations.”

CSA Group aims to accelerate growth in China, India, Korea and Taiwan through investments in new labs and acquisitions, and the key segments that the Group will focus on include Hazloc, Energy Storage, Medical, IT/AV, lighting, Wire and Cable, EMC, etc.

À propos du Groupe CSA

Le Groupe CSA est une association indépendante sans but lucratif, constituée de membres et dédiée à la sécurité, au bien social et à la durabilité. Nous sommes une organisation accréditée au niveau international spécialisée dans le  développement des normes ainsi que l’évaluation et la certification des produits. Nous fournissons aussi des services de formation et d’éducation ainsi que d’évaluation des produits de consommation. Nous possédons un large spectre de connaissances et de compétences qui comprend les équipements industriels, le secteur de la construction et de la plomberie, les soins de santé et le domaine électromédical, les appareils ménagers et le gaz, les énergies de remplacement,  les systèmes d’éclairage et  les énergies renouvelables. La marque CSA figure sur des milliards de produits partout dans le monde.

Communiquer avec nous

Pino Chen
Directeur, relations avec les médias pour l’Asie
[email protected]


juin 9, 2015