
Navien Inc. recalls Propane Conversion Kit for Condensing Tankless Water Heater and Combination Boiler PAR 20-18

Recall Information
Health Canada (RA-68362)
|CPSC (19-057)

This recall involves Conversion Kit for the Navien Condensing Tankless Water Heater and Combination Boiler. The products subject to the recall were manufactured between July 9, 2018 through October 14, 2018. The manufacturing date is identified within the serial number. The serial number is printed on a label which is affixed to the side of the unit and on the product packaging (see images). The first two digits identify the year, the next single digit identifies the month, and the last two digits identify the day.

Hazard identified:
Navien has identified a non-conforming specification in the natural gas (NG) to propane gas (LP) conversion kit that is supplied as an accessory with each unit. If the kit is installed in order to use propane gas rather than natural gas to fuel the unit, and if not properly vented, it could pose a risk of exposure to carbon monoxide.

For more information please visit:
Health Canada:  http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/recall-alert-rappel-avis/hc-sc/2018/68362r-eng.php
CPSC:  https://www.cpsc.gov/Recalls/2019/Navien-Recalls-Tankless-Water-Heaters-and-Boilers-Due-to-Risk-of-Carbon-Monoxide-Poisoning