Showing Results 41 to 50 of 365

There are nearly two million students enrolled in Canadian universities and colleges at any given time. Higher education is a large sector, with public institutions’ revenues totalling $60 billion annually.

Politique Publique, Public Policy

This work has been produced and is owned by Canadian Standards Association. It is designed to provide general information in regards to the subject matter covered.

Public Policy

This report aimed to investigate relevant guidance on how to manage incidental findings in clinical laboratories performing routine tests.

Research, Research Reports

This study presents deflection and fatigue analysis to update CSA S6 provisions related to the design of orthotropic steel bridge decks.

Research, Research Reports

The Code for Digester Gas, Landfill Gas, And Biogas Generation and Utilization is a critical tool in supporting the biogas industry in the safe and efficient deployment of systems to increase the use of bioenergy.


The rapid evolution of digital technologies in Canada and globally is showing no signs of slowing.

Public Policy

CSA Group standards and research provide guidance on accessibility for buildings and dwellings, helping build a barrier-free Canada.


To adapt to the evolving battery landscape, the European Union (EU) recently introduced a new regulation which places stricter requirements around the safety and sustainability of batteries sold in the region.

To support the deployment of hydrogen technologies, there is a need to understand how standards and codes can help facilitate their safe and reliable implementation.


Standards are emerging as a critical tool in helping mitigate the impacts of climate change on critical infrastructure in Canada’s North.
