Showing Results 111 to 120 of 392

Unique circumstances could make it challenging, impractical, or even impossible for manufacturers to undergo the typical certification process yet demonstrate commitment to product compliance with applicable standards. This webinar will walk you through the available programs designed to solve these challenges, how to identify the need for these programs, and how to avoid common mistakes.


An estimated 600 000 Canadians are currently living with dementia. While this is already a substantial proportion of the older adult Canadian population, the figure is expected to triple over the next 30 years as the Canadian population ages.

Research Reports

Canada has a housing supply issue. Among the G7, Canada has the lowest number of housing units per capita, which contributes to elevated housing costs across the country. This shortage is most acutely felt by lower-income households and those in “core housing need”, who are underserved by current supply efforts

Public Policy

This report provides recommendations to support mental health and well-being of residents, families, and care providers in long-term care.

Research Reports

As new hydrogen technologies emerge, stakeholders need to better understand how standards and codes can help facilitate their safe and reliable implementation.

Standards, Perspectives

The use of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) has been growing exponentially due to the rapid development and deployment of electric vehicles (EVs).

Research Reports

Accredited to evaluate products to various local and international standards, the new lab provides centralized access to certification in Global markets.


This research project defines a new test procedure to assess the real-world energy consumption of computers in their active state

Rapports de recherche, Research Reports

This research examines the best practices and methodologies used to report energy data for commercial buildings across Canada and the U.S.

Rapports de recherche, Research Reports

A key component of Canada’s transition to a low-carbon economy will be the decarbonization of the transportation sector. This shift requires a reimagining of passenger, public transit, and commercial vehicles, and an entirely new system of public and private infrastructure to support refuelling these vehicles with alternative fuels like electricity.

Public Policy